“Simple & Easy Installation
Web Powered Security
Integrated Security – Access Control”

User Experience
Our InnerRange is a suite of drivers to allow you to make the most of this powerful Security and Access Controller. The Core Driver is only available in a package along with the Events and Actions Driver ( this is as we don’t support Core Events). All the other companion drivers can be used standalone on a system allowing you to use the subsystems of the Inception independently.
Hardware Configuration
The core and additional drivers connect to the Inception as a standard user. The best practice is to create a user just for the Crestron system and set the web page profile to “REST Web Api User”. Its up to you if you share a single user (recommended) or create a user per driver. The user must be added the relevant permissions for the Areas, Doors, Inputs and Outputs that you wish to control and monitor.
Core Alarm actions require a user pin to be entered and the userassociated with that PIN in Inception
will be the user that performs the action, with their permissions checked and their name logged in
the review event history.
Any control requests of areas, outputs or doors that don’t require a PIN will be performed by
the api user and must have permissions on all devices.
In addition any Security Areas you wish to control should have the Multi-Mode Arming Setting Checked as show in the Screenshot here
Adding drivers to the system
Drivers are all located in Security System Type under the manufacturer “Inner Range”

Core Alarm Driver
This is a native Crestron home Security System Driver and only appears on the Home page and not in the room in which the driver is loaded. We suggest you add the core driver and supplementary drivers to a Rack room hidden from the client.
Alarm Areas
- Area are added dynamically to the system
- Area Names are pulled in from the Alarm system.
- Main Arm and Disarm Functions can be controlled directly from this page.
Known Issue:
- If an area is removed from the alarm it will remain visible until a Crestron Home Reboot.
Area Page
- The induvidual Area Page shows area status and all available area controls.
Swiping right takes you to the Global System Page
Global Alarm Control
- Global Status Text
- Alarm Status
- Door Command Status
- Panic Status
- Licence Status
- Global Function buttons
- Lock All Doors
- Close All Outputs
- Panic Alarm
User Pin
When you first attempt an alarm action you will be prompted to enter your inception user pin.
You can choose to store the pin on the user device by ticking the box.
Once a pin has been saved you will no longer be prompted for a user pin.
- Per UI Customisation
- Security Areas can be hidden per panel in the Advanced Settings section of the panel.
- Global Customisation
- Using the setup app areas can be hidden globally
- Friendly names can also be changed from the set names in the security System.
More Customisation
- Alarm Functions can be Globally Enabled and Disabled.
Function Buttons
- Enable Disable
- Rename
- Change Label
Actions and Events (Core Driver)
Security System Types Provide Events based on Alarm States.
However we do not support these events in our Core Driver and instead:
We advise loading and using the Events and Actions provided in our Dedicated Module
(See Below)
Events and Actions for Alarm Zones (companion to core)
A Seperate extension driver is provided to expose Actions and Events.
This driver must be loaded to your crestron home system ( there is no Extension UI). Once loaded and setup as described here you will see events and Actions allowing you to control your alarm System.
The User account used in the hardware setup should have permissions on all areas you want to control/monitor.
Events listed below are supported for up to 20 Areas per System.
- Alarm
- ArmAway
- StayArm
- Disarmed
These events are triggered once on the initial change of state.
The Areas are Referenced using the Area ReportingID (See more detail below)
Actions are supported for up to 20 Areas per System
The Areas are Referenced using the Area ReportingID (See more detail below)
Please note that this method of control allows you to potentially control the the Alarm directly without user passwords.
This functionality should be used with caution if you are to maintain the validity of your alarm system security.
Inception Access

Events and Actions for Doors
A Seperate extension driver is provided to expose Actions and Events for Doors as defined in the .
This driver must be loaded to your crestron home system and provides a basic UI for verification of the connection and permissions.
NB: Generally this driver would be placed in a room hidden to the client and all access be via events and actions.
The User account used in the hardware setup should have permissions on all doors you want to control/monitor.
On the main page of the driver you see a list of all the doors in your system
Doors which you dont have permission will be shown bu greyed out.
Clicking a door will show you the detail page for the door which shows the status of the door.
NB: Open and Close Status is only shown when a reed switch is connected and correctly configered.
Events listed below are supported for up to 20 Doors per System.
- Unlocked
- Locked
- Opened
- Closed
- Forced
- Held Open
These events are triggered once on the initial change of state.
The Doors are Referenced using the ReportingID
Inception Inputs

Events and Actions for Inputs
A Seperate extension driver is provided to expose Actions and Events for Inputs as defined in the .
This driver must be loaded to your crestron home system and provides a basic UI for verification of the connection and permissions.
NB: Generally this driver would be placed in a room hidden to the client and all access be via events and actions.
The User account used in the hardware setup should have permissions on all inputs you want to control/monitor.
On the main page of the driver you see a list of all the inputs in your system
Inputs which you dont have permission will be shown but greyed out.
Clicking an input will show you the detail page for the door which shows the status of the input.
Actons of Isolate and De-Isolate are also available.
Events listed below are supported for up to 20 inputs.
- Inactive
- Active
- Low Battery
- Poll Failed
These events are triggered once on the initial change of state.
The Inputs are Referenced using the ReportingID
Inception Outputs

Events and Actions for Outputs
A Seperate extension driver is provided to expose Actions and Events for Inputs as defined in the .
This driver must be loaded to your crestron home system and provides a basic UI for verification of the connection and permissions.
NB: Generally this driver would be placed in a room hidden to the client and all access be via events and actions.
The User account used in the hardware setup should have permissions on all outputs you want to control/monitor.
On the main page of the driver you see a list of all the ouputs in your system
Outputs which you dont have permission will be shown but greyed out.
Clicking an output will show you the detail page for the door which shows the status of the output.
Actions allow you to test control of the output.
Events listed below are supported for up to 20 inputs.
- Inactive
- Active
- Low Battery
- Poll Failed
These events are triggered once on the initial change of state.
The Outputs are Referenced using the ReportingID
Actions are supported for up to 20 Outputs per System
The Doors are Referenced using the ReportingID
Can we use more than 20 inputs,outputs,Doors
We will be providing a free upgrade soon that will support more than 20.