Crafting Solutions: The Art of Problem-Centric Software Design


At the heart of problem-centric software design is a desire to understand the complexities of the problem statement. This entails moving beyond surface-level descriptions and immersing oneself in the context of the situation. Whether it’s creating a new app to manage family finances or optimizing logistics for a global supply chain, great software design starts with a thorough understanding of the difficulties at hand.

Key advantages of problem-centric design

One of the key advantages of problem-centric design is its ability to foster innovation. Instead of jumping straight into coding based on assumptions or preconceived notions, developers take the time to conduct thorough research, gather requirements, and engage in meaningful conversations with stakeholders. This deliberate approach often leads to the discovery of novel solutions and inventive ways to tackle complex problems.

The creation of a medical practice scheduling application is a concrete example of problem-centric design in action. Instead of rushing to create a generic calendar solution, the development team will spend time shadowing employees, observing patient flow, and identifying scheduling trouble areas. This hands-on approach uncovered inefficiencies such as double bookings, high wait times, and coordination issues with other departments.

With these findings, the team set out to create a solution that would address these unique issues. This included not just creating user-friendly interfaces and robust backend systems, but also incorporating functionality specific to the needs of the medical practice. For example, the application provided automated appointment reminders, connectivity with electronic health records, and real-time notifications for schedule changes.

Throughout the development process, the emphasis remained on the problem at hand. This entailed obtaining feedback from end users, iterating on designs based on usability testing, and constantly refining the solution to better meet user requirements. By putting the issue front and center, the development team was able to create a scheduling tool that not only met functional needs but also provided concrete benefits in terms of efficiency, productivity, and patient happiness.

However, problem-centric design involves more than just fixing immediate difficulties; it is also about future-proofing solutions to ensure long-term success. In the case of the medical scheduling application, this entailed predicting prospective changes in healthcare regulations, shifting patient expectations, and developing technologies. Building a flexible and modular design allowed the application to easily adapt to new requirements and interface with other systems as needed.


In conclusion, The Art of Problem-Centric Software Design emphasizes the significance of beginning with the problem and allowing it to influence the whole development process. By adopting a pragmatic and user-centric approach, developers may create solutions that not only meet immediate demands but also pave the way for future innovation and growth. The proverb goes, “If you want to build great software, start by solving the right problems.”

Product Launch : LCD IR App

LCD launches IR App for configuration of devices in Crestron & Crestron Home

App configuration tool set to revolutionise IR device connections through Global Caché

Edinburgh, Scotland November 2023 – Custom programmers and software developers, LCD specialise in producing custom drivers and modules for extended connectivity in Crestron and Crestron Home. The company, based in Scotland and backed by qualified Crestron Service Providers (CSPs), also offer system development services, helping institutions and businesses build control systems to their unique specifications. LCD has just announced the launch of its latest product, the LCD IR App, which enables Global Caché IR product integration for Crestron and Crestron Home.

Global Caché produces hardware solutions that allow for the access, control, and automation of IR, serial and relay devices over an IP network. LCD’s IR App will enable CSPs and professionals who build Crestron systems to connect a multitude of devices to their control ecosystems via a downloadable software module or driver, further expanding the capabilities of Crestron and Crestron Home.

“We’ve been working hard to develop an overall solution for connecting non-native devices to control systems,” explains Neil Silver, Lead Developer at LCD. “With our collective background in the Creston and Crestron Home world, we have been able to work with Global Caché’s iTach product to create a unique solution for configuring devices in these environments; but this is just the beginning. The software we’ve developed is transferrable and has the potential to be used within other control systems, with the same effect.”

“Gone are the days of writing custom software for each install—thanks to the powerful middleware from LCD and Global Caché hardware,” says Robin Ford, Global Caché’s VP of Business Development, expressing enthusiasm for what this new product means for Crestron service providers and integrators. “It’s a game-changer. This not only streamlines the installation process but also reduces the need for specialised engineering. It’s a win-win for the folks setting it up and their users.”

The launch is based around LCD’s IR App, a control interface that facilitates easy connection between Crestron and Crestron Home control systems and IR-controlled devices. “Our IR App can be accessed via any web browser or even from a smartphone,” continues Silver. “The app allows users to configure the connection details of Global Caché’s iTach IP2CC hardware, browse and test the IR code sets available from Global Caché’s online IR database, Control Tower, upload custom code sets and modify IR codes for device commands.”

LCD’s IR App is compatible with both Crestron and Crestron Home systems via two separate software offerings. Firstly, a driver for Crestron Home allows IR devices, from home appliances to security cameras, to be connected to Crestron Home via the Global Caché integration. On the other hand, a module for SIMPL Windows allows for the same capabilities, but within a Creston ecosystem, and is therefore intended for use within corporate and professional markets, rather than residential. You can read more about Global Caché on our partners page

The launch of LCD IR App marks a significant milestone, not only for the LCD development team, but also for Global Caché, whose iTach product can now be utilised in a wider range of use cases in both Crestron and Crestron Home environments.

Introduction to Linux Syslog and What it Does

Because of its versatility, reliability, and security, Linux has emerged as the most powerful and well-liked platform in the era of operating systems. The Syslog system is a crucial part of the Linux operating system but is frequently overlooked by end users. Syslog is an essential component that saves and manages log messages produced by running services and other installed programs in a Linux system. In this post, we’ll talk about Linux Syslog’s creation and examine its purpose and features.


For application messages and logging systems, Syslog is recognized as a standard protocol in Linux. It enables the transmission of log messages from numerous services and applications to a single, central place. Those central locations are referred to as Syslog servers. These log messages must be gathered and stored by it for further troubleshooting and analysis. Other operating systems, including BSP, macOS, and numerous more, now frequently use Syslog.

How does Syslog Work?

Introduction to Linux Syslog and What it Does

Syslog consists of three vital components:

  • Syslog Server
  • Syslog Client
  • Syslog Protocol

Syslog Server

The Syslog server, often known as syslogd, collects all incoming log messages from a certain port while running in the background. Receiving messages from various syslog clients, processing them, and then storing them in log files for particular services or applications are its duties.

Syslog Client

This component works for generating and sending log messages to a Syslog server. Services and applications running on Linux systems can use system calls or syslog libraries to transmit log messages to the syslog server (syslogd). The Syslog client is responsible for transmitting crucial details such as hostname, actual log content, timestamp, and severity level. 

Syslog Protocol

The Syslog protocol contains a set of rules that are defined for effective communication between the Syslog server and the client. It also defines the format of log messages that can be stored in the Syslog server, responsible for specifying different severity levels such as starting from debugging to emergency, allows the admin to prioritize and filter the log messages based on their need and importance.

Key functionalities

Syslog is equally important for both system administrators and developers. Here are some of its key benefits and functionalities


The Syslog is flexible enough that it allows the administrators to configure the log actions and destinations as per desire and need. Log messages can be stored in files locally, transmitted to servers, trigger notifications, forward the log files to other Syslog servers, and can also work on scripts containing specific conditions.

Centralized Logging

Syslog offers a centralized approach to log management. This centralized-based approach helps the administrator to access the log messages and analyze them for multiple services and applications from a single place because all the log messages are stored in a single server. Therefore, it makes troubleshooting easier along with auditing and monitoring the activity.


Syslog is extremely scalable when it comes to scalability, which makes it more appropriate for a large number of devices and systems within an environment. Syslog is capable of handling many clients’ including services and applications log messages simultaneously and ensuring that no logs are lost or missed.

Long term Storage

The Syslog authorizes long-term storage and log file archiving. Administrators can easily control the size of log files by configuring log rotation policies and also retention periods, which can ensure the logs are properly retained for historical analysis and compliance.

Prioritization and Filtering

The Syslog enables the administrators to apply filters on log messages based on sources, severity levels, and other criteria. This prioritization and filtering allow the administrators to focus on critical events and reduce the number of less important logs.

Crestron Virtual Processors running on Linux with VC4

Crestron’s VC 4 documentation provides some guidance (and a configuration example) for non-Linux experts on how to filter entries from the main syslog into a dedicated Crestron log file. While this is useful information, users of VC4 in a server environment will soon find that this level of filtering is not suitable for quick review and the resultant logs are still too noisy to be useful.

Crestron Help Article ( Requires Login)

The team at LCD has some hints and tips below as to how to make the syslog filtering work for your vc4 architecture.

Filtering for Logic Engine and SimplPlus

Log entries coming from simpl Windows programs running on VC4 have two patterns, One is logging from the program Logic Engine and the 2nd is from the Simpl+ process. The entries below in the config file create two filtered log files and filter entries for each of the processes into the respective files.

The log entries below are from a room named “55” which is running a Simpl Windows program.

We can use the naming of different entries in the syslog to filter into more granular log files.

See the example below for details of how to create a single log file for Logic engine and Simpl Plus Logs.

The code below shows a snippet from the  /etc/rsyslog.d/ conf file.

Filtering per Room or Group of Rooms

One step further you can create a dedicated log with messages from the specific room logic engine or group of Engines you want to capture.

For example, if your rooms have a standard naming pattern in VC4 then you can leverage this to filter log messages from them into a single file.

In Summary

Setting up granular logging can make a great difference in the time to diagnosis. If you need help configuring your systems to make the most of modern logging then contact us to find out more.

Neil Silver Crestron CSP

Neil Silver

Lead Developer LCD – Crestron Programmer, CSP

Managing the Development and Custom Programming Teams on a day-to-day basis and responsible for Product Design and Project Oversight.

JetBrains Rider vs. Microsoft Visual Studio – The IDE Battle for Audio Visual Programmers

Once upon a time, in the realm of .NET development, a titan named Visual Studio stood a shoulder above the rest. Visual Studio was the supreme go-to tool for a long time, offering a vast and robust Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that even audio-visual programmers couldn’t resist in the epic showdown of JetBrains Rider vs. Microsoft Visual Studio – The IDE Battle for Audio Visual Programmers.

Seemingly, the honeymoon was over when a new contender emerged from the depths of innovation—JetBrains Rider! An upstart IDE shook the very dominance of Microsoft Visual Studio in the .NET world.

JetBrains Rider emerged as a worthy adversary, boasting a sleek interface, lightning-fast performance, and a host of cutting-edge tools.

Suddenly, developers were at a crossroads between loyalty to the tried-and-true Visual Studio and the allure of Rider’s modern charm. So, which side of the IDE battle should audio-visual programmers lean on?

While both IDEs are powerful and capable, distinctive differences can be a dealbreaker for some of us audio-visual programmers.

Microsoft Visual Studio: The Industry Standard

JetBrains Rider vs. Microsoft Visual Studio - The IDE Battle for Audio Visual Programmers

Microsoft Visual Studio has been a long-standing industry-standard IDE catering to a wide range of developers, including audio-visual programmers. Visual Studio Code is also a powerful tool in its own right!

With its rich set of tools, extensive documentation, and strong manufacturer support, Visual Studio provides a reliable and familiar environment for developers. Familiarity is good as it makes the work easier for audio-visual programmers.

One of Visual Studio’s key strengths lies in its robust ecosystem and vast community support. Its extensive documentation and tutorials make it easier for audio-visual programmers to find resources and solutions to common challenges.

Microsoft actively maintains and updates Visual Studio for compatibility with the latest technologies and frameworks. This is in addition to support for various programming languages, such as JavaScript, HTML, C#, C, C++, .NET, and others. Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the support for Java in 2017.

Visual Studio offers seamless integration with platforms like Crestron, and the developers can leverage the platform’s full potential.

JetBrains Rider: Unleashing Cross-Platform Power

JetBrains Rider vs. Microsoft Visual Studio - The IDE Battle for Audio Visual Programmers

JetBrains Rider, on the other hand, is a robust IDE with cross-platform capabilities. It is versatile to support various programming languages, including C#, C++, JavaScript, and more.

Rider supports plugins developed by ReSharper and IntelliJ platform and others, but the standout feature is Rider’s seamless integration with the JetBrains ecosystem.

This provides a consistent experience across the brand’s suite of tools.

A more notable advantage is Rider’s advanced code analysis and refactoring capabilities. The IDE bundles debugging tools, intelligent code completion, and a powerful search engine, allowing you, as the developer, more straightforward navigation through large projects.

Rider’s excellent support for Git version control is really usable (although we complement it with a tool called gitkracken), as it simplifies workgroup collaboration. But it’s not so simple as Visual Studio is the defacto standard Rider suffers.

The reason is that the majority of learning platforms and example code videos all use visual studio as their IDE and the same is true for audio-visual programming might fall short. Official documentation and support for specific platforms, like Crestron, may be lacking. These can cause issues with the development process for applications meant for those platforms.

The Showdown

Both Rider and Visual Studio allow the consumption of privately hosted NuGet packages in the epic showdown of JetBrains Rider vs. Microsoft Visual Studio – The IDE Battle for Audio Visual Programmers – which is beneficial for audio-visual programmers relying on customized project packages. Such flexibility enhances productivity by enabling efficient management of dependencies.

This broad support helps automate the programming process and extend the feature list – invaluable for audio-visual coding.

But that doesn’t mean Visual Studio falls short regarding plugins. It has its bunch to enhance the coding process, even though it may struggle to match Visual Studio in that way. Check your current project requirements before migrating.

Rider takes the day when it comes to code inspection. No doubt Microsoft Visual Studio can detect issues with a handful of languages, but JetBrains Rider stretches this to multiple languages. For instance, Rider’s code inspections are over 1600 compared to 800 for Visual Studio.

Rider also gallops ahead regarding user experience with a clean, intuitive, and responsive interface. Users can choose keyboard bindings and color schemes, among other customizing features. Rider is also a savvy pick for those that prioritize performance. The JetBrains IDE starts and codes faster than Visual Studio. On the other hand, there have been reports of a freezing Visual Studio, especially in the face of solutions with many projects.

Microsoft Visual Studio shines with its extensive documentation, robust ecosystem, and strong support for platform support with edge case examples ( which is where we sit in the Audio Visual world). But Rider gets one over Visual Studio for its compatibility with Linux.

Ultimately, the choice between Rider and Visual Studio boils down to individual preferences, specific project requirements, and the targeted audio-visual platforms. Performance and familiarity with the IDE also significantly influence your choice.

But whether you prioritize cross-platform power or comprehensive manufacturer support, both IDEs offer robust features that can fuel your audio-visual programming endeavors.

Neil Silver Crestron CSP

Neil Silver

Lead Developer LCD – Crestron Programmer, CSP

Managing the Development and Custom Programming Teams on a day-to-day basis and responsible for Product Design and Project Oversight.

Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid

Last week, Madrid played the host to a groundbreaking event as Crestron, a leader in workplace technology solutions, brought together two exciting conferences under one roof. Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid

The Modern Workplace Summit and Crestron Masters that ran between the 23rd and 25th of May seamlessly merged sales and technical expertise, showcasing what was in store for the future workplace.

Here are the event highlights, with a particular focus on the VC4 Under the Hood and the Extensibility in Microsoft Teams Rooms.

The Modern Workplace Summit

The Modern Workplace Summit, held as part of the event, offered a deep dive into the latest trends and innovations in workplace technology. The summit highlighted the digital transformation that is penetrating the workplace.

The event explored how people and new technology can work effectively in concert—a hybrid workplace.

Experts from Microsoft, Shure, Intel, and Zoom, among others, gathered to discuss the transformative power of technology and its impact on the modern work environment. Microsoft’s Ilya Bukshteyn and Craig Durr of Wainhouse Research were part of the presenters at the summit.

The Modern Workplace Summit also explored the various Crestron hybrid workplace solutions through the Crestron Solutions for Modern Work presentation. The focus was on three new products. The first was The Desk Touch and Desk Q, a desk scheduling solution that minimizes the physical footprint for organizations.

The other solution is Crestron Flex Pods, which provide audio solutions in multi-purpose spaces, and lastly, the Crestron Videobar 70 uses an intelligent video to track the speaker.

From collaborative solutions to intelligent automation, the Summit explored how organizations can augment productivity, boost employee experience, and adapt to the fast-evolving work landscape. Crestron presented a bevy of hardware and software solutions for hybrid work

Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid

Crestron Masters – The Technical Marvels

At the same time, the Crestron Masters event catered to technical enthusiasts, offering a platform to refine skills and explore advanced capabilities. The new skills and capabilities are vital for the hybrid workplace.

Participants had the opportunity to attend various sessions, workshops, and courses designed to elevate their understanding of Crestron’s technology stack. The intention of the Crestron Masters was a focus on the core competencies of the people taking the courses.

The VC4 Under the Hood session was particularly interesting, as experts provided an in-depth examination of Crestron’s versatile VC4 platform and its potential to transform workplace communication and collaboration.

Empowering Microsoft Teams with Crestron The Modern Workplace Summit had the Extensibility in Microsoft Teams Rooms among the highlights.

This session shed light on the seamless integration of Crestron solutions with Microsoft Teams, a popular collaboration platform.

Participants gained insights into the power of combining Crestron’s cutting-edge technology with the versatility of Teams, enabling organizations to create immersive and engaging meeting experiences.

Notably, the course featured an exclusive Q&A session with Ilya Bukshteyn, a distinguished Microsoft representative who played a significant role in the Modern Workplace Summit and the event.

The Integration of Sales and Technical Expertise

The Crestron event was exceptional because of its successful technical brilliance and sales integration. This helped bridge the gap between visionary concepts and practical implementations.

By bringing together professionals from both realms, the event fostered a collaborative atmosphere where ideas could flow freely, resulting in innovative solutions for the modern workplace.

Crestron Masters was the perfect platform to explore the technical aspects of Crestron’s solutions and understand their real-world implications and value propositions.

By combining the Modern Workplace Summit and Crestron Masters, attendees gained a comprehensive understanding of the entire ecosystem, from high-level strategies to the nitty-gritty of implementation.

Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid

The interaction between Ilya Bukshteyn and attendees during the Q&A session exemplified this synergy, as sales and technical minds converged to discuss the future of workplace technology.

Bukshteyn’s insights and expertise further emphasized aligning sales strategies with technical advancements, ensuring seamless integration and optimal customer satisfaction.

Looking Ahead: A Revolutionized Workforce

Crestron’s event in Madrid was a catalyst for innovation, leaving attendees inspired and eager to embrace the future of work. With its commitment to cutting-edge technology and seamless integration with popular platforms like Microsoft Teams, Crestron is poised to revolutionize how organizations collaborate and communicate.

The event provided a glimpse into the potential of the modern workplace, where intelligent automation, immersive experiences, and enhanced productivity converge.

Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid


The Crestron event in Madrid was a resounding success, uniting sales and technical expertise to showcase the transformative power of workplace technology. Through the Modern Workplace Summit and Crestron Masters, attendees gained valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations. Unveiling the Synergy of Sales and Technical Brilliance: Recap of the Crestron Event in Madrid.

Spending time with peers in the software development community as well as meeting new and old contacts from the wider audio-visual community in person is always time well spent. Having my Masters Gold Level Certificate awarded during the leveling up ceremony was something special to share with my friends in the community!

The VC4 Under the Hood class and the Extensibility in Microsoft Teams Rooms were highlighted, offering a deep dive into Crestron’s cutting-edge solutions. As we move forward, LCD’s commitment to innovation promises along with Crestron’s new solutions to redefine how we work and elevate the workplace experience to new heights.

Neil Silver Crestron CSP

Neil Silver

Lead Developer LCD – Crestron Programmer, CSP

Managing the Development and Custom Programming Teams on a day-to-day basis and responsible for Product Design and Project Oversight.

Crestron Service Providers

The Crestron Services Provider program (CSP) is offered by Crestron Electronics, a leading manufacturer of advanced control and automation systems. The CSP program is designed to provide Crestron customers with access to certified services providers who can assist with the design , installation, programming, and maintenance of Crestron systems.

Crestron systems are widely used in residential and commercial settings, including homes, conference rooms, classrooms, and entertainment venues. These systems are designed to control and automate a variety of devices, including audio and video equipment, lighting, shades, climate control, and security systems.

The CSP program is intended to provide customers with peace of mind and ensure that their Crestron systems are installed and maintained by qualified professionals. To become a Crestron Service Provider, companies must meet certain requirements and undergo rigorous training and certification processes.

Crestron Service Providers are required to have a minimum of two years of experience in the audiovisual industry, as well as a strong technical background in computer networking, programming, and system design. They must also have completed Crestron’s extensive training program, which covers topics such as system design, programming, installation, and troubleshooting.

Once certified, Crestron Service Providers have access to a wide range of resources and support from Crestron Electronics. This includes access to the latest software updates, product information, and technical support. They also have the ability to participate in Crestron’s dealer programs and promotions, which can provide additional benefits and incentives.


Originally Crestron provided all progrmming services internally and when the company grew they started to involve trusted induviduals who were sub-contracted to provide their expertise on Crestrons behalf. To ensure theses induviduals had the required knowledge Crestron started a very small and exclusive training program which developed into what Crestron Masters has become today. From these first training programs the title of Crestron Authorized Independent Programmer (CAIP) was born , a program designed for independent programmers who were certified by Crestron. The first CAIP’s were introduced in 2003 and this formalised the position of an independant programmer for the first time and ran for over 10 years.

The Crestron CSP program was introduced in 2016 as a replacement for the CAIP program. The new program was designed to expand the scope of the previous program and provide more comprehensive support to Crestron customers.

“Our members have matured beyond the simple title of ‘programmer,'” says Jim Felderman, CSP Advisory Board Chair. “CSPs are developing truly creative and value-added solutions for the Crestron platform. The change in the identity of the programme better reflects the identity of the CSPs. They’ve experienced tremendous growth by embracing the power, flexibility and scalability of the Crestron brand.”

Crestron CTI


The community of like minded induviduals is a powerful one where the hive mind of Crestron Service providers get together then amazing solutions are the results. Crestron CSps organise to collaborate both professionally and socially. We have a hugely active Discord server where we keep in touch between in person events!

New Beginnings

In 2022 the first, Post Covid, In persons Crestron Masters was held in Florida. During the covid pandemic Masters like so many in person events was forced online into a remote setting. While every effort was made to maintain the community and networking elements of the in person event the return of real in person events was long awaited.

Crestron took this oppertunity of re-afferming their commitment to the CSP program. In our Masters summit presented by the Crestron CSP Advisory board new initiatives and focus were discussed for the program and announcements of new appointments.

Shelly Flynn – Sr. Program Manager, Crestron Service Providers

Jeff Hopkins – Technical Director, Crestron Service Providers


In 2016 the change of name from CAIP to CSP was designed to expand the scope beyond that of just programming. In 2023 the discussion in the AV control and software community is all around the difference between programming and development. A name change is not required but the cohort of current CSP induviduals and businesses are changing and evolving.

“When I as giving the opportunity to take on this new role as Technical Director, supporting the CSP organizations, I wasn’t aware of the vast diversity in services offered.  In retrospect, my view of a CSP was a Crestron programmer that can be contracted when something needed programming.  I quickly learned that this was an antiquated view of the program, and that this community has so much more to offer.  Providing services from system design and solution planning, to programming, driver development, commissioning, end user trainings, and even pro-active monitoring services for every vertical, CSPs collaborate with some of the most innovative minds and leaders, guiding our industry into the technology of the future.”

Jeff Hopkins – Crestron

Technical Director, Crestron Service Providers


For customers, working with a Crestron Service Provider can provide a range of benefits. These include access to trained professionals who can assist with the design and installation of Crestron systems, as well as ongoing support and maintenance. Crestron Service Providers can also offer advice and recommendations on the latest Crestron products and technologies, helping customers to stay up-to-date and make informed decisions about their automation needs.

In conclusion, the Crestron Service Provider program is a valuable resource for customers who are looking to install or maintain a Crestron automation system. By working with a certified service provider, customers can ensure that their system is installed and maintained by qualified professionals, with access to the latest resources and support from Crestron Electronics.

Alltogether now Masters 2022

Alltogether now ( The Farm)

Crestron Masters Returns as an In-Person Event in 2022 and LCD will be there in person for the first time in the United States, but this is not our first rodeo!

We have been attending Masters since 2015 and have seen the event evolve from a smal group of elite programmers to a multi faceted training and networking event involvings professionsals from all aspects of the industry.

As companies, campuses, and academic institutions continue to progress forward in their efforts to produce an optimal workplace experience, now is the time to learn from industry experts at the 2022 in-person Crestron Masters event.

What is Crestron Masters?

Crestron develops automation technologies that enhance people’s day-to-day lives by making it simpler for them to complete their regular responsibilities while also boosting their levels of effectiveness and productivity. During this process, they work hard to maintain their position at the frontline of cutting-edge technology by continuously providing quicker and superior solutions to meet the requirements of clients worldwide.

Crestron is a worldwide powerhouse in workplace innovations, including:

  • Technology
  • Reshaping organizational digitalization
  • Interoperable communication solutions for organizations worldwide

Moreover, Crestron has been developing hardware and software systems for almost half a century, serving clients in the government, classrooms, meeting halls, and the most distinguished residential properties worldwide. Crestron is setting a new fate of digitalization in a time when technology has become pervasive in the workplace and the home.

The Crestron Masters event brings together industry leaders to provide courses for continuing education and professional development as well as opportunities to network with other professionals in the industry.

Why is Crestron Masters Returning as an In-Person Event Important?

People who work in remote locations or have obligations that make it challenging to participate in in-person training may find online training an excellent alternative to traditional classroom instruction. However, in-person training allows for greater opportunities to gain hands-on understanding. Despite the significant strides that have gotten made in the field of educational technologies over the past few years, there are still a great number of industries that necessitate a certain form of in-person training.

Having to work side-by-side in person with teachers and other students offers possibilities for more engagement. In-person communication, as opposed to over the phone, via email, or text, typically results in greater directness and comprehension on both sides.

Training in-person typically offers more structure and organization than online instruction. In-person settings allow multiple staff members to progress through the material simultaneously. Instruction given to employees one-on-one keeps everybody on the same learning schedule. In-person training is likely the most beneficial option if more than one employee from the same company is interested in enrolling in and completing training.

Connect with Crestron Service Providers

Crestron Service Providers, also known as CSPs, are independent businesses approved by Crestron and employ Crestron-certified programmers. Certified Professionals hone their abilities through rigorous training and hands-on practical experience in the field. Because of the intensive training, significant expertise, and detailed testing requirements, Crestron-certified programmers enjoy great respect within the industry.

You can build connections with Crestron Service Providers to further your industry understandings at the in-person Crestron Masters event.

Returning as an In-Person Event for the First Time Since 2019

In addition to Masters , Crestron will be hosting a modern work summit event for two days. This work summit will focus on developing advancements and successful strategies for addressing the requirements of today’s blended workplaces. The much-awaited event will happen in Orlando, Florida, from September 20-21, 2022. Here, anyone can participate in conversations about the methods by which technology can influence and enhance employee engagement, as well as acquisition and employee and customer retention.

Now is not the time to hold back; register at Crestron today! If you will be at Masters and want to catch up drop us a mail using the contact page. We will also along with Crestron be in the Dallas for CEDIA Expo !

LCD becomes 2N Premium Partner

LCD becomes 2N Premium Partner,

We have had the pleasure of working closely with 2N over the last year on providing software that brings advanced features to the integration between 2N intercoms and Crestron Home.

This interface is intended to simplify the connection of your Crestron Home system to the popular 2N range of intercom hardware. Crestron users do not only receive video intercom calls on their Crestron panel, but they can natively control doors and gates with 2N devices through intuitive Tiles or Quick Action. They can also benefit from higher comfort and security thanks to new options for interconnection of the intercoms with other smart home appliances.

System integrators can now work better with intercoms relays and I/Os and add them to the Quick Actions. This makes door or gate control quick and intuitive from the Crestron panel or mobile app. With the support of the Crestron Actions & Events, the intercom events like Motion Detection, Noise Detection, or I/Os states can be linked with actions in other smart devices connected and managed by Crestron. The driver brings new customized scenarios and added value to the 2N intercoms and access units.

Two options are available based on the project type: Single home site or MDU

Our partner page on the 2N Integration Hub provides another resource for users of 2N looking to integrate with other systems.

This complements our own resources which can be found in our support section of this website

“It’s great to be working with the team at LCD who make integration of our products more straightforward for our clients.”

Radka (Lachova) Talianova

Technology Partner Manager

Award winning LCD project hits the target

Working with 4GD and Nucleus AV the team at LCD created a control system for immersive training. Here is what the Judges thought!

“A remarkable use of Crestron technologies with the resulting project exceeding client expectations. Truly a project fuelled by pure innovation, relying on Nucleus to deliver a solution to the client’s unique requirements.”

– Judge Sarah Joyce

This project’s goal is to provide close quarters combat training for the British Army for a range of environments, that are traditionally difficult to simulate. These environments can be both physically and digitally reconfigured, allowing a countless number of permutations. The end result creates an immersive experience to simulate different geographical locations that can be anything from a jungle to a marketplace with a “God’s Eye View” of the facility for those in charge.

A big challenge was to allow for briefing, training and debriefing to take place all at the same time, including a dedicated physical training space and remote interaction with wrap-around screens to provide an easy-to-use solution that any instructor can use with little to no training on the system.

Being a project of many firsts, Nucleus developed solutions to allow the trainer to control visible light, infra-red light, sound effects, door sensors, and ‘surprises’ for soldiers via an iPad, all configured and controlled by Crestron, as well as an After Action Review CCTV system

A spokseperson from 4GD said: “This is the bleeding edge of military training. Our intention is to use technology to make training better and, as a result, troops safer. The critical requirements of immersion, reconfigurability and ease of use push the capability of the control system, its programming and interface. Nucleus have worked closely with us to help facilitate this ambitious strategy with a never ending “can-do” attitude. Some of the features of this project have shown both Nucleus as a market-leading integrator and the near limitless potential of the Crestron ecosystem.”

Driving forward

Over the last 12 months the global pandemic has given us the opportunity to develop plans on new parts of our business. Modules have always been a part of our business as our work in Crestron Custom means we often have to create modules for use in our own projects.

At the same time Crestron’s long term project to move to a standardized platform for driver development has come of age with the release of the v4 SDK. Lighting Control have been involved as a close development partner on both the SDK and Crestron Home (one of the supported operating environments).

The aim of the standardized model is that drivers will be compatible across the range of Crestron systems including Crestron Home, AV Framework , DM and NVX Endpoints and in the cloud as part of Crestron XiO Cloud.

Taking an active part in the pilot program for both the drivers SDK and Crestron Home has been a satisfying project as we have been able to contribute our piece to the progress of the ecosystem both in documentation, systems , processes and flushing out features.

Our project, to setup and launch our Drivers store for Crestron Home, has been a long term investment in the systems, processes and talent we require to be a serious b2b partner across the ecosystem in the years to come.

We had working drivers back in November of 2019 but I realized that we didn’t have all of the processes and tools in place to maintain, support and be agile in our approach to new requirements at scale.

We are excited to have Neil and the team at Lighting Control working on Crestron Drivers. We hope that their enthusiasm and investment in the program will prove beneficial to all Crestron partners going forward.

Ara Seferian | Sr. Product Manager , Digital workplace Crestron Electronics Inc


  • Implemented an Automated Build process for our Drivers
  • Common Functionality coded using best practices
  • Base Types allowing consistency of user experience and easier testability
  • Code Driven User interface
  • Automated Documentation Build
  • Build Updates production Downloads directly meaning updates are immediately available


  • Unit Testing of helper methods and hardware interfaces.
  • Implemented Integration Testing using dedicated hardware.
  • Implemented Internal Compliance Testing of Crestron Home Driver Packages.


  • Server move of our existing website and upgrades to back end systems
  • Addition of webstore and integration of our existing support systems
  • Addition of new Internal and External Knowledge base systems
  • Creation of a Library of “how to” guides, both video and print
  • Creation of a bespoke licensing system with self-serve functionality

Looking forward

So with this base in place we are now well positioned to offer continued additional items to our Crestron Home catalogue and we are already working with manufacturers who want a partner in this field to assist them with integration with this or other platforms. With exciting new developments looming in the other Crestron platforms in the coming months we look forward to developing partnerships in this area.

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