
Electrician Support
Support – Get the assurance you need that everything is going to be all right!
Complex systems require specific skills and prior experience to ensure that the installation is carried out correctly. Selection of cable types, wiring topology and length of data runs are all the sort of things that can cause a job to need resucing. We prefer to help out in the fisrt place although if you have found yourslef in the deep end give us a call and we will try and pull you out.
DMX and other lighting control standards topology and systemdesign is something totally alien to most electricians and a number of electrical engineers so it is normal to call on a company with years of expertise in this specialist field.
In integration systems individual system parts need to be checked before attempting to bring together the whole system.
Incorrect testing of expensive circuits including expensive dimming and control equipment can cause

Advanced Electrical Testing
damage to electronic components if not completed correctly. We can provide assistance in this area and provide testing services or testing support to you on-site.
We provide testing services for all types of control protocols and in addition can provide part system testing prior to integration programming and implementation.